Workshop on a statistical analysis of landslide susceptibility


The first workshop on statistical analysis of landslide susceptibility was held at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb in the period from 5th to 7th of April 2022. The workshop was held by guest lecturers and project members from Italy.

Conference paper Lukačić et al. has been published


In the Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (5th ReSyLab), a conference paper „Influence of expert knowledge on completeness and accuracy of landslide inventory maps - Example from Istria, Croatia“ has been published.

Conference paper Bernat Gazibara et al. has been published


In the Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (5th ReSyLab), a conference paper „LandSlidePlan - Scientific research project on landslide susceptibility assessment in large scale“ has been published.

Landslide inventory verification continued at the pilot area in the City of Buzet


In the pilot area in the City of Buzet, field research was continued in order to check the landslide inventory map. Field survey of landslides included verification of detailed mapped erosion phenomena.

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