Journal paper by Sinčić et al. has been published

In Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Journal, a scientific paper developed in the scope of the LandSlidePlan project titled „Comparison of conditioning factor classification criteria in large-scale statistically based landslide susceptibility models“ was published. Authors of the paper are Marko Sinčić, Sanja Bernat Gazibara, Mauro Rossi and Snježana Mihalić Arbanas. The paper presents 11 different scenarios for classifying continuous landslide conditioning factors in landslide susceptibility modelling. The research was conducted as a landslide susceptibility assesment in large scale, on a LandSlidePlan project pilot area, i.e. City of Zagreb. By using five statistically based methods, i.e Information Value, Logistic Regression, Neural Network, Random Forests and Support Vector Machine, 54 landslide susceptibility maps were developed and analyzed. Comparison of parameters that characterize each of landslide susceptibility map resulted in uniform approaches and recommendations considering each classification scenario and used statistically based method.